Are you a new Pokemon trainer or enthusiast? Ever wondered how to keep your Pokemon in peak physical condition? Now you can find the best
meal ideas for your Pokemon with a single search!.
- PokeDinner is designed to help pokemon owners determine a fitting meal for their Pokemon.
Food results based on their weight and caloric needs.
- Motivation: To have fun learning to incorporate new technologies in a creative fashion,
with the content focused on a recognizable established source.
User story:
- AS A pokemon trainer/owner, I want to make sure I am feeding my pokemon an appropriate meal based on their size and caloric needs
so that my pokemon maintains a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Technologies used:
- PokeAPI -
- Spoonacular Recipe Search API -
Breakdown of tasks and roles:
- Vinay: Structure and design implementation, GitHub controller, coding issue resolution.
- Christiana: Site functionality, Logo Artwork, coding issue resolution.
- James: Presentation prep, Project board management, coding issue resolution.
- working with limited API requests.
- deciding who does what.
- The website mostly works as intended!.